The esoteric concept of Aspendi regarding a soul and the misconceptions surrounding it in regards to acceptance into the faith: ☀️🌹🔥🔱
The most pristine and pure science of Ilme-Khshnoom teaches us about the concept of Aspendi existing in the good Zaratushtri religion in regards to the “strength/power” and “speed”of a soul. The concept could be understood similar to that of the modern word of “Horse power” when describing cars. The word Asp which is the root of this very term meaning horse, is often times mistranslated literally as someone who posses horses, as a label referring to someone’s material wealth. For example in the name of Pouruaspa (Pouru meaning many and Aspa meaning horses), the term can also be seen in the names of other highly evolved souls such as King Lohrasp (swift horses), King Goshtasp (having powerful horses), or Kerasp, meaning weak horses or BivarAsp which was the title of Azhidhaka/Zahhak the evil tyrant of ancient Iran meaning possessing 10 thousand dark horses. In the most sacred Khorshid Nyayesh, the most high Yazata of the celestial sun is also referred to as “Aurvat Aspahe”, meaning of the swiftest and fastest horse if translated literally, but in reality it is a reference to the high status of this most lofty Yazata.
In summery one will then realize that according to the teachings of Ilm-e-Khshnoom, the word Asp is not be translated in the rough sense of the word “Horse”, but to be used as a spiritual title so to measure and label one’s spiritual prowess and capacity in the stages of progression towards Frasho-Kereti. ✨
Ustad Saheb Bahramshah Shroff thus explained that a soul possessing 72-95 Aspendi in its progressive stage towards Frashokereti (perfection and completion of the progress), belongs to and therefore linked to the planetary heaven of Jupiter and the cosmic energies emanating from it. 🌏💫
This in turn leads many to the misconception that a soul only through birth can achieve such a stage of Aspendi and until its dying day the Aspendi levels cannot transcend that of the planetary heaven linked at birth, which is simply not valid.
Dr. Meher Master Moos a prominent Khshnoomist who has devoted all of her life to the study and propagation of the knowledge of Khshnoom, also explains that Aspendi is subject to change and fluctuations. It is true that one who is born into a Zarathushtri fold indeed has the minimum Aspendi required to be in that stage and will receive this message and vibrations through the spirit of the religion (Daena yazad) which is alive and conscious, and progress with it, however one can also increase Aspendi throughout life and bring it higher through Ashoi/purity and righteousness so to advance it to the next stage while still being alive. It doesn’t mean that Aspendi remains the same so to stay in the faith of birth till the dying day as the soul’s vibrations are constantly fluctuating and either transcending or decreasing. A rough analogy would be to say a person entering first grade should remain in first grade until graduation, because that is all the student can bare despite the capacity to learn more knowledge and a growth potential that the first grade can no longer provide due to the soul’s expansion of Aspendi due to Ashoi and the unchanging and permanent Aspendi of the school grade or religion, being unmatched with the progressive Aspendi of the soul.
Likewise the soul of a Zarathushtri who is born into the fold can also regress according to the very same Khshnoomic teachings and then go to a lower religion in the next life if not adhering to the Zarathustri Tarikats and by practicing druj. Whilst being born into the fold, through decreasing their Aspendi, the soul regresses so to to further develop once more, before coming back again into that level of Aspendi required for the Jupiter planetary currents linked to that of the Zaratushtri faith. 🔥🌟
People not born into the faith can also increase their Aspendi and if there comes a time when the soul is advanced enough so to progress further, the spirit of the Zarathushtri Daena in the same life will call upon the soul of the worthy and depending on the soul’s free will and devotion to uphold and practice the Zarathushtri tarikats and taking on the task of living a true life, full of purity according to the Holy Zarathuhstra’s teachings, one can join the fold and be a Zarathuhstri. 🌹🔥
Parsis often times confuse the Zarathushtri Daena with the Parsi identity/ethnicity. One can become a Zarathushtri, but of course never a Parsi or an Irani. As being a Parsi/Irani is only through birth. Our religion is and has never been an ethnic religion like that of the Jews.
Also the belief that all religions existing today are true revelations of Dadar Ahura Mazda is also a more recent development which holds no merit. It is true that all paths of life one way or another, although corrupt can help one find God and progress depending on the conditions one is placed in, but that is the inherent nature of the human beings to go towards Him, in any way known to them and the loving nature of God to accept that afford, known to that person, but it does not mean that all religions are inherently true and divine revelations. On the contrary our Pahlavi manuscripts such as Dinkard actually very much condemn certain religions such as that of the Abrahamic faiths, claiming them to be inventions of Ahriman and his prophet Zahhak for the perversion of the true message so to help the souls regress rather than progress and so to delay both personal and universal Frashokereti. 🌾🌿🔱
There are in fact significant core differences between these religions and ours which is why we say “Mazishtacha Vahishtacha, Sraeshtacha…” meaning our faith is as revealed by Ahura Mazda, the best, the most perfect of all religions that have ever been or all that will supposedly come. 🏼☀️🔥✨
Also the same Pahlavi manuscripts composed by our Zarathushtri saints and Mobeds based on the original Avesta talk of accepting others into the fold after training them properly by bestowing true knowledge, “if they have a desire for it.” The concept that both parents have to belong to the Zarathushtri faith so that the child can too, is also not the case, as we have many instances of Sassanian and other ancient kings who have been product of mixed marriages and yet very devout, orthodox and steadfast in their Zaratushtri faith. Are we to say that those kings such as Bahram V whose mother was a Jew and was yet truly a champion of the Zarathushtri faith is not to be considered a Zarathushtri? In that case all kings from his lineage would also be considered illegitimate. Then who was the last true Zaratushtri king of Iran then?
This is a most flawed and perverted version of this ideology designed and encouraged by Ahriman to make our community dwindle. Also funny enough the same peope who claim that all other faiths are true have a very hard time explaining why religions such as Islam and Christianity from the source of their faith (their messagners’ mouths) are so adamant of converting people.
This flawed belief is against the Pahlavi scriptures, against the Sacred Avesta, against the very science of growing or regressing of Aspendi and all else that is involved and even if the belief exists that all faiths are in fact true then by the same people different religions have different Aspendis, and so one growing in Aspendi does not have to die before progressing to the next stage.
It is truly sad to see that a community that was once so ablaze, loving and vibrant has fallen now to such a prideful, intolerant and closed system. We will look most eagerly to the advent of the most Glorious Shoshyant/Savior Shah Bahram Varjavand who shall come and proclaim the good religion as it once was, not what it has fallen to now. May his time come closer! Atha Jamyat, Yatha Afrinami! 🌹❤️☀️🔥🏼