Avesta is not a language, it is only used in Manthravani. This Manthra is composed using laws of Stoat Yasna (science of vibrations) and not mere philology meanings. Each Avesta word can have different interpretations depending upon the context where it is used. Therefore it is impossible to translate prayers accurately without the help of Taavil (rules of mystical interpretations). Hence it is important to understand it’s esoteric meaning, message and thoughts (Mithra) to be passed while reciting the prayers.
Ashem Vohu and Ahunavar (Yatha Ahu Vairyo) are the 2 most sacred and potent manthra uttered by Ahura Mazda at the dawn of creation. Let us delve on the meaning of Ashem Vohu.
What is Meaning & Message of Ashem Vohu prayer?
The word “Asha” is the foundation of this Manthra of 12 words. It occurs numerous times and in various connotations throughout the Avesta prayres. The word “Asha” has seven facets viz. Law, Order, Beauty, Truth, Righteousness, Purity and Freedom.
The whole creation of Ahura Mazda operates on the Divine Law and Order. All the Beauty of Nature moulded by Ahura Mazda expresses itself through Asha. The mountains, oceans, rivers, flowers, gardens, sky, trees and fruits are all the expressions of Asha. The divine Law, Order and Beauty constitutes Ahura’s TRUTH which is explained by the prophets of all religions in different words and languages. TRUTH means divine knowledge which comes to us in various levels according to our spiritual inclination.
The fifth facet of the word Asha is RIGHTEOUSNESS. The word conveys, what is right and what is evil, what are good deeds “Kerfeh” and what are sins “goonah”. All religions declare that Good and Bad are defined by the All Mighty and proclaimed by Prophets, Saints, Sages, It is not for us humans to define them or think them out. Our life should be a constant effort to discard goonah and adopt kerfeh. This is the duty assigned to humans. Choosing evil is a contradiction to Asha.
The sixth facet of the word Asha is PURITY, implies purity of body and mind both. It is our duty to alchemize the impurity into purity through the observance and practice of our Din, every moment of our life. The Righteousness and Purity are thus our rules for life and day to day living. They are called “Tarikats”. Impure thoughts drive us away from God. We require spiritual energy to resist them. That energy is invoked within us by the Tarikats like Sudreh-Kushti, Manthras, Atash Parasti, Meher-Patet, cultivation of Armaiti and Hutoxi in our state of mind. Thereby we are taken nearer and nearer to Ahura and ultimately to FREEDOM, which is the seventh facet of Asha. The final goal to reach salvation.
We can see that the seven facets of Asha is the prescription of life to be led on earth.
After Asha, the next founding word in Ashem Vohu prayer is USHTAA. It is translated as happiness, but is not material happiness. Ushtaa is divine happiness, happiness of heart, love and devotion. When we will reach Ahura Mazda, we shall have the ultimate bliss and ecstasy, the real final Ushtaa. But till then Ahura has provided us the lamps of Ushtaa all the way. We feel Ushtaa, when we eat food, experience beauty of God, feeding a hungry human or animal, helping somebody in trouble or have a surge of love towards anyone, the feeling we experience is Ushtaa. When we recite Manthra or stand before Atash-Padshah, or sit at the ceremony of our dear dead, or hear sound of boi ceremony, our eyes moisten with tears of devotion. The tears pour out in pain, yet have the coolness of divine pleasure i.e. Ushtaa.
The word “Asti” means IS. “IS” conveys existence, truth, reality.
Vohu Vahishtem has word Vohu Mano, the divine consciousness of Ahura.
The twelfth word Asheym means Freedom.
From the above, the summarized meaning of Ashem Vohu* is as below:
“There are three existences in nature: Asha, Vohuman and Ushta. The path of Asha leads to Vohuman and Ushtaa. It is the bounden duty of the humans to follow that path of Asha Vahishta and attain FREEDOM”.
The summarized beautiful «mystical message of Ashem Vohu» is as below:
“He who follows Asha and Vohuman will attain Ushtaa. If you lead your life on the path of Asha, as ordained and prescribed by Asho Zarathushtra your present limited consciousness will expand and you will be in communion with the presently unobservable regions of Nature. Your Ako-man will become purer and purer and you will go near and nearer to the divine consciousness of Ahura Mazda. It is therefore the bounden duty of every Zarathushti to tread on the path of Asha, so that you will attain Freedom, Frashogard, Mukti”.
Thought to be passed while reciting Ashem Vohu:
Every Avesta prayer is our communication to Ahura Mazda and asks for a bounty from HIM. We may pass the below thought (Mithra), while reciting Ashem Vohu:
“Oh Ahura Mazda ! Asha, Vohuman and Ushtaa are Thy Divine Entities. Lead me onto the path of Asha. Let my heart ever me immersed in devotion and bliss. Give me strength to tread on the Thy divine path of Asha, so that I may attain Freedom”.
Reference: Parsi Pukar Vol, II Sep’2005.
As explained by Mrs. Pervin Mistry, the holy Avesta teaches that the universe was manifest according to His Primordial Thought, embodying His Divine Consciousness. It was the first and foremost utterance of Ahunavar that brought the universe into being. Together with the Ahunavar, the fundamental declaration of Ashem Vohu (Ashoi), under the directive of Vohu Mano, sustains and guides the Universe towards Spiritual Perfection. The manthric resonance of these two most powerful manthra, Yatha and Ashem are circulating throughout the Universe from its beginning to its end.
Needless to mention, Ashem Vohu teaches that the root of all actions as well as the measure of all moral discernment is perceived in the mind. If the mind is pure, thoughts, words and actions are also pure and subsequently angre-mainyu’s intrusion in the mind ceases. Verily, thought is the blue-print of all words and actions.
Friends, the Golden 12 words of this prayer, teaches us the “Way of Life”. May Ahura Mazda give everyone strength and wisdom to live a “Prayerful Life”.
Ustaa Te.
Written by Behdin Yashan Jokhi